Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Problem With Being Batman's Butler

Have you ever considered the plight of Bruce Wayne’s butler Alfred? He deals with an eccentric millionaire with a mansion and a superhero with a laboratory in an underground cave. You rarely ever see any other servants in the mansion, and no one else knows about the bat cave. That’s a lot of work for one man!

Dorkly shows us what happens when Alfred reaches his breaking point. Which anyone else would have reached long ago. Alfred deserves more than a promotion- he deserves a full staff to help him get it all done! (via Tastefully Offensive)

Tweet of the Day

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Selling Point

Spanish Translation

Even I know that meat is supposed to be "carne," not "vegetables." I hear the other translations aren't too good, either. (via reddit)

Emperor Penguin Chicks Jump Off a 50-foot Cliff

We all recall that scene in Happy Feet when the young emperor penguins go to sea for the first time, driven by instinct. They are terrified, but eventually the first one jumps in, and lets the others know it's okay. Scientists have recorded this first plunge many times, but they also found evidence that some juvenile migrations don't just go to the sea -they go in by jumping off high ice cliffs! When you feel you must go to the sea, you go, whether it's a gentle jump off some floating ice or a plunge down a 50-foot cliff. For the first time, this phenomena had been filmed using drones by cinematographer Bertie Gregory for National Geographic. This footage is part of the documentary series Secrets of the Penguins, which will premiere a year from now, on Earth Day in 2025. (via Nag on the Lake)

Pizza Biz

Taking a Car to the 100th Floor

Infiniti debuted their new QX80 model on March 20 atop the sky deck at the Edge in Hudson Yards in Manhattan. It's an impressive car, and expensive, too. But how did they pull off this stunt? There are no cranes that big, and a helicopter lift isn't legal in Manhattan. The engineering team put in a lot of work to please the public relations team, by disassembling the car and taking it up 100 floors by elevator, piece by piece, and then reassembling it! Each piece had to be small enough to fit into a freight elevator, and it took almost 100 trips up to accomplish this. The project took 40 days, but the car was ready for its moment in the sun, so to speak, on the appointed day. (via The Awesomer)

Cat's Paw Anatomy

(via Buzzfeed)

The Evolution of Iron Man in Television & Film

Iron Man has been on TV and in movies for almost 60 years, although the first 40 years of that was in animation only -and most of them after that! The look of the character has changed yet stayed the same, usually pretty faithful to the comic book version.

So, Robert Downey, Jr. is the only man to portray Iron Man as a live action hero? Okay, at least we have a lot of him. And a lot of Iron man incarnations you’ve never seen, in this timeline by Burger Fiction.  

Tweet of the Day

(Thanks, WTM!)

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

A Cinderella Story

If Southerners had Performance Reviews

The truth is that we all have performance reviews. Southern folks can be really judgmental. I learned to code switch at a young age because my parents couldn't stand me speaking like a hillbilly and my school friends made fun of me for talking "proper." That probably helped me get my first radio job. But if I didn't keep up with all the rules of Southern etiquette, my mother would correct me immediately.

Ominous Sign

A Disco for Cats

Look at all the pretty lights in this bathtub! This is for the cats, although you get the idea that they are more interested in the moving objects than in the colors. But why would you go to all this trouble to entertain your cats in the bathroom? Johann Rosenberg had a reason for every facet of this bathroom redo. What's wrong with dedicating one bathroom to the cats? Nothing, except we learn that Rosenberg only has one bathroom, and all this stuff has to be portable so he can use the room himself.

This project may remind you of the old woman who swallowed a fly, in that one project leads to side effects, which leads to another project, and so on. But in this one, he ended up with a cool video with both pretty light effects and cats. You can't go wrong with that combination!

Crow Funerals

Murder most fowl. (via Bored Panda)

The Great Critter Race

Remember a video from a few months ago in which different species of birds raced to show us how fast they can go? Red Side has made the same type of video for terrestrial animals. They are all shown moving at their species' maximum speed, the way they only would move if their lives were in danger. That means they are all shown running comically fast, one after another, as if it's a race. It's weird to see a predator passing prey instead of eating them. The animals were produced by artificial intelligence, which hasn't quite mastered the way an elephant moves. Still, as funny as the race is, you'll learn about the relative speeds of various animals at their maximum. Meanwhile, if you ever see a critter running this fast in real life, you can be sure something scary is chasing them. The second half of the video is the same race from the animals' point of view. (via Laughing Squid)

Miss Cellania's Links

Why do some people always get lost? Research suggests that experience may matter more than innate ability when it comes to a sense of direction. (via Metafilter)

Ten years on from Chibok, what happened to the 276 Nigerian girls snatched from their school? (via Damn Interesting)

Whoops, Disney PR's First Omen campaign spooked someone so bad they called the cops.

Mom tries on a new wig.

Do You Really, Really Like Aqua? Then you'll love this house. 

If the Flintstones Vacationed in France: A Guide to the Cave Villages

Follow the Footsteps of an Incredible Mailman From the Gold Rush Era. Hikers recreate Snowshoe Thompson’s 100-mile route through the mountains by walking, running, and even skiing. 

What Does a Fire Captain in Antarctica Do? (via Nag on the Lake

The Rise and Impending Fall of the Dental Cavity. (via Damn Interesting)


(via reddit)

3-Year-Old Zep Fan Plays Name That Tune

Matthew Canning is a rock ’n’ roller, and so is his three-year-old daughter Lily. They recently played a game of Name That Tune with Led Zeppelin songs, which are her favorites. Lily ends the game with a request, a dance, and a sing-along. It took me longer than three years to learn the names of all those songs when I was much older than Lily, but to be fair, I listened on radio stations that didn't announce song names and by letting entire albums track.